Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism is a market based instrument to promote renewable energy and facilitate compliance of renewable purchase obligations (RPO). It is aimed at addressing the mismatch between availability of RE resources in state and the requirement of the obligated entities to meet the renewable purchase obligation (RPO). REC would be issued to RE generators and to the eligible Distribution Licensee. One Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is treated as equivalent to 1 MWh.
- There are two categories of RECs, viz., solar RECs and non-solar RECs.Solar RECs are issued to eligible entities for generation of electricity based on solar as renewable energy source, and non-solar RECs are issued to eligible entities for generation of electricity based on renewable energy sources other than solar.
- The solar certificate shall be sold to the obligated entities to enable them to meet their renewable purchase obligation for solar, and non-solar certificate shall be sold to the obligated entities to enable them to meet their obligation for purchase from renewable energy sources other than solar.
Revenue for a RE generator under REC scheme includes revenue from the sale of electricity component of RE generation and the revenue from the sale of environmental attributes in the form of RECs:
(1) A generating company engaged in generation of electricity from renewable energy sources shall be eligible to apply for registration for issuance of and dealing in Certificates if it fulfils the following conditions:
a) it has obtained accreditation from the State Agency;
b) it does not have any power purchase agreement for the capacity related to such generation to sell electricity, with the obligated entity for the purpose of meeting its renewable purchase obligation, at a tariff determined under section 62 or adopted under Section 63 of the Act by the Appropriate Commission:
Provided that in case of renewable energy sources based co-generation plants, the connected load capacity as assessed or sanctioned by the concerned distribution licensee, shall be considered as the capacity for captive consumption for the purpose of issue of certificates, irrespective of the capacity of such plants covered under the power purchase agreement.
c) it sells the electricity generated either
(i ) to the distribution licensee of the area in which the eligible entity is located, [at the pooled cost of power purchase of such distribution licensee as determined by the appropriate commission
(ii) to any other licensee or to an open access consumer at a mutually agreed price, or through power exchange at market determined price.
Provided further that a renewable energy generator selling electricity component to third party through open access shall be eligible for the entire energy generated from such plant for participating in the REC scheme subject to the condition that such generator does not avail or does not propose to avail any benefit in the form of concessional/promotional transmission or wheeling charges or banking facility benefit:
Provided also that if such a renewable energy generator forgoes on its own, the benefits of concessional/promotional transmission or wheeling charges or banking facility benefit, it shall become eligible for participating in the REC scheme only after the date of forgoing such benefits:
Provided also that the above mentioned condition for renewable energy generator selling electricity component to third party through open access for participating in the REC scheme shall not apply if the benefits given to such renewable energy generator in the form of concessional transmission or wheeling charges and/or banking facility benefit are withdrawn by the concerned State Electricity Regulatory Commission and/or the State Government:
Provided also that if any dispute arises as to whether a renewable energy generator has availed such concessional/promotional benefits, the same shall be referred to the Appropriate Commission for decision.
d) It does not sell electricity generated from the plant, either directly or through trader, to an obligated entity for compliance of the renewable purchase obligation by such entity.
(2) A distribution licensee shall be eligible to apply for registration with the Central Agency for issuance conditions:
(a) It has procured renewable energy, in the previous financial year, at a tariff determined under Section 62 or adopted under Section 63 of the Act, in excess of the renewable purchase obligation as may be specified by the Appropriate Commission or in the National Action Plan on Climate Change or in the Tariff Policy, whichever is higher:
Provided that the renewable purchase obligation as may be specified for a year, by the Appropriate Commission should not be lower than that for the previous financial year.
Provided further that any shortfall in procurement against the non-solar or solar power procurement obligation set by the Appropriate Commission in the previous three years, including the shortfall waived or carried forward by the said Commission, shall be adjusted first and only the remaining additional procurement beyond the threshold renewable purchase obligation - being that specified by the Appropriate Commission or in the National Action Plan Climate Change or in the Tariff Policy,whichever is higher - shall be considered for issuance of RECs to the distribution licensees.
(b) It has obtained a certification from the Appropriate Commission,towards procurement of renewable energy.
(3) A Captive Generating Plant (CGP) based on renewable energy sources,including renewable energy generating plant not fulfilling the conditions of CGP as prescribed in the Electricity Rules, 2005 but having self-consumption, shall not be eligible for participating in the REC scheme for the energy generated from such plant to the extent of self-consumption, if such a plant:
a) has been commissioned prior to 29th September 2010 or after 31st March 2016; or
b) is not registered with Central Agency under REC scheme on or before 30th June 2016.
Provided that a CGP based on renewable energy sources, including renewable energy generating plant not fulfilling the conditions of CGP as prescribed in the Electricity Rules, 2005 but having self-consumption, and fulfilling both the following conditions:
a) having date of commissioning between 29th September 2010 and 31st March 2016; and
b) registered with Central Agency under REC scheme on or before 30th June 2016
shall be eligible for the entire energy generated from such plant for participating in the REC scheme subject to the condition that such plant does not avail or does not propose to avail any benefit in the form of concessional/promotional transmission or wheeling charges and/or banking facility benefit:
Provided further that if such plant meeting the eligibility criteria for REC, forgoes on its own, the benefits of concessional transmission or wheeling charges and/or banking facility benefit, it shall become eligible for participating in the REC scheme only after a period of three years has elapsed from the date of forgoing such benefits:
Provided also that the above mentioned condition for participating in the REC scheme shall not apply if the benefits given to such plant in the form of concessional transmission or wheeling charges and or banking facility benefit are withdrawn by the concerned State Electricity Regulatory Commission and/or the State Government:
Provided also that if any dispute arises as to whether a CGP or any other renewable energy generator has availed such oncessional/promotional benefits, the same shall be referred to the Appropriate Commission for decision.
The RE generators who fulfil the eligibility criteria can apply for the accreditation to concerned State Agency. After successful accreditation the eligible entity (RE generator) may apply for registration to the Central Agency. After successful registration the eligible entity may obtain REC through the 'process of issuance of REC' by Central Agency. The detailed procedures for Accreditation, Registration, Issuance and Redemption of REC can be downloaded from CERC/NLDC(POSOCO) websites:,,