All About Solar

Saturday, August 11, 2018

What is 1 kW ?

What does 1 kW means? For many it is quite simple but in reality it is not. As per definition, 1 KiloWatt is a unit of energy which transmitted or used at a constant rate (power) over a period of time. The total energy in kilowatt hours is equal to the power in kilowatts multiplied by the time in hours.

When we are talking in reference to solar system then, 1 kW can be expounded in two way- 1 kW AC and 1 kW DC. There is difference between 1 kW and 1 kWp. Actually, 1 kW means 1 kW AC which is general is  misconceive as 1 kW DC. 1 kW  DC is  represented as 1 kWp. 

1 kW AC is 1000 watts of AC power generated by converting DC power through Solar Inverter. It is equal to capacity of Solar Inverter. On other hand, 1 kWp mean 1000 watt of DC peak power. It is maximum DC power generated by solar modules and is equal to total capacity of solar modules.

Example: 308 nos. of 325 Wp solar panel with 2 nos. of 50 kW solar inverter. In this case, DC capacity would be 100.10 kWp and AC capacity would be 100 kW. The difference is noticeable through above example. The ratio of DC capacity to AC capacity is called over-loading or under-loading.

So, next time if someone says 1 kW, do question him/ her  whether he means AC or DC.

1 comment:

solar is my passion said...

Yes sir, very correct information, you can share some examples also, also consider conversion losses..